Instagram - too late?

Jan 28, 2024

Today’s extra newsletter is all about utilizing the power of social media, Instagram in particular, for your creative business. But before diving deep into this topic, does any of this sound familiar?

  • It’s WAY TOO LATE TO START, every 2nd person is a content creator, and I don’t think that I have something special to share about my life
  • I’m already trying but my content doesn’t take off and I feel like I talk to no one so maybe it’s not really my thing
  • I’m afraid of negativity that will come my way after I’ve started posting
  • My friends and family will think that I’m crazy and will insist that I do something more serious with my life
  • I don’t like the way my skin, clothes, hair look, I’m not a model

If you could relate to any of that, welcome to the club - I’ve been through each of them. In fact, I even had a previous Instagram account which I tried to boost but at the same time all those thoughts, struggles and opinions from outside were stopping me from realizing my full potential. As a result, I was posting only “perfect” pictures with perfect text, so I thought.

The thought of what others would think if I posted me being vulnerable, or documented my way of studying interior design, drove me so crazy and made me so anxious that I decided not to do that.

It took me 5 YEARS to finally overcome that fear and do what I’d been thinking about all these years.

And you know why exactly 5 years later?

Because I lost my dream job, almost run out of cash and felt like a complete failure. That’s when I decided to FINALLY WAKE UP and do what I’d been dreaming about deep inside of me. Reason - I have nothing to lose anyway so I’m just going to try.

This is how my @andshedrawsbig account was born. The rest is history.


Here are my Top-5 observations on becoming a successful content creator. Creating content that people feel connected to - 2024 edition. Let’s go!

1️⃣ Yes, there are tons of other creators and competitors out there. BUT - no one is ME. My story is UNIQUE. If I am able to inspire 1 person, I’m already on the right path. No one has experienced what I’ve gone through, no one can copy my style.

2️⃣ Perfection is boring. There is a reason why my old account was stuck at 1000 followers for 3 years. We want to see REAL LIFE, you being you, you going through struggles and wins. You reaching your goals so that you can inspire others to do it too. Think yourself - do you REALLY want to see the perfect life only, perfect family, perfect kids, perfect clients? There is no such thing as perfection. Even all those “perfect” accounts aren’t perfect - they simply don’t show that part, making you think that something is wrong with you. Especially if you don’t fit into this picture. This year, authenticity is KEY. More and more creators are moving towards unfiltered real life and telling their stories.

3️⃣ Knowing how to structure your storytelling in videos and posts in such a way so that it does both - creates connection and sells your services in an authentic way. This is exactly the topic I’ll be discussing with my ASDB students in the next LIVE coaching call. Because, to just draw or to just offer interior design services isn’t enough. You have to know how to market your services properly. And knowing how to utilise social media will save you thousands of dollars in ads. Definitely join us too to learn all these strategies from A to Z with my LIVE. Here’s the link to join us (yes, in addition you’ll also get 100+ detailed step-by-step video tutorials on all things drawing, designing, artificial intelligence, and the basics of marketing. All our LIVE coaching calls are recorded and are being added to the course a few days later).

4️⃣ Consistent storytelling. Not “this is my breakfast. This is my dog”. The thing about social media is that even travelling to the most exotic places isn’t special any more, as we have lots of content from travel bloggers around the world. But being able to transform it into a captivating storytelling - well, that’s another level. Learn how to see stories everywhere. And yes, I’ll also be talking about the art of storytelling in our upcoming coaching call. Join here.

5️⃣  The skills you’ve acquired for social media, will always be trending. It’s not only about Instagram, it’s about the art of being able to communicate your ideas and services, and being able to find the right customers through it.

BONUS! Be brave and communicative. Shyness won’t give the right energy which will be felt through every piece of your content.

These 6 crucial steps helped me clarify my own strategy, build a huge community of like-minded people and work with dream clients.

Looking forward to seeing you and talking about all that in detail with a clear action plan. Here’s the link to join once again, and if you already are our student, well, then, I can’t wait to share all these secrets with you, because ASDB Academy is a pathway to creative living - a SoHo house for creatives ;)

Have an absolutely amazing week!

Out of the Box Creative Mindset: ASDB blog series

This blog is a treasure trove of insights, tips, and inspirations, inviting you to explore the transformative power of an out-of-the-box creative mindset. Discover how creativity shapes spaces, sparks innovation, and empowers your approach to digital drawing. Welcome to a space where creativity knows no limits!

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