The Trap of ‘More, More, More’ - And How to Escape It

Jan 17, 2025

Kickstarting this day with a simple reminder ↓

Remember where you started, and never underestimate your wins - big or small.

Where is this coming from, you might ask? Well, today, as I’m writing this newsletter, I’ve been reflecting on something important, and I’m curious if you’ve ever experienced this:

You work hard for months, maybe even years, to achieve a goal. Finally, you get there - and then, instead of celebrating or appreciating it, you quickly move on to the next thing. You forget how big that achievement once was and start focusing on what you don’t have, creating a mindset of lack and dissatisfaction.

I’m not saying we should hold onto a single win forever or make it the highlight of our lives. Of course, life will present new goals and opportunities. But that doesn’t mean we should take our achievements for granted. When we do, we risk falling into an ungrateful pattern of always wanting more, which (if you believe in higher forces - apologies for the odd comparison :D ) sends the message that we’re never satisfied. And that’s definitely NOT the kind of energy that attracts abundance, exciting opportunities, or meaningful connections.

To make this clearer, let me share a personal example from just a few hours ago.
As some of you know, last year, I achieved one of my biggest personal goals: getting my citizenship. It was the result of 10 long years of sacrifices, risks, and hard work - no shortcuts, no “visa husbands” involved. (You can read the full story HERE).

It also meant taking a leap of faith by pursuing interior design and drawing full-time, without any guarantees. By the way, this is proof that no matter how ambitious your goals are or how much others doubt you, if you stay committed and show up every day, it WILL work. But that’s a topic for another day.

The point is, just a couple of months after achieving that milestone, I… forgot about it. I started taking it for granted, assuming it was simply “mine.” Worse, I began complaining - about why things weren’t happening as fast as I wanted them to or why certain aspects of my life weren’t exactly how I envisioned.

Then today, I received two letters: one about my participation in the upcoming election, and another - a formal invitation to a ceremony with the city’s mayor to celebrate new citizens. It hit me hard.

Back when this goal was just a dream, what I have now felt like an impossible fairytale. I would have given ANYTHING to experience even a small part of what I now have - my life, my wins, my business, EVERYTHING.

Here’s the moral of the story: even the biggest, most surreal goals will eventually feel “normal” once they’re achieved. And that’s okay - it’s part of life. But don’t let yourself fall into the trap of constantly wanting more, demanding more, and forgetting to appreciate what you’ve already accomplished.

Let’s not be like that ungrateful kid who, after being given a candy, immediately demands 10 more instead of saying thank you.

👉 We’ve done extraordinary things. We are special. No one is like us. (This quote always resonates with me, and I love it) I wanted to share this reminder with you today in case you needed it, too!

On a related note, let me share two of my latest interior design concepts, both developed and sketched entirely on my iPad.

The concept on the left will be part of my upcoming 5-day challenge, where I’ll guide you through the entire development process with detailed, pre-recorded video tutorials - all for free! The challenge starts in just a few days, and I’ll be sharing the link shortly ;)

Enjoy your day!

Anna at @andshedrawsbig

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