Drawing based on a picture - yes or no?

Feb 02, 2024

“Why draw an existing interior?” - a question I recently got. For instance, when I illustrate the virtual to real scene. Let’s talk about that today.

Well, first, drawing isn’t just a drawing per se. For me, it is an expressive tool, a way to understand how a designer of a particular space thinks, how they connect colors and shapes, not to mention being a tool to share style and design with a broader audience in an artistic medium.

While drawing this particular interior, I was analyzing the logic behind design, atmosphere, colors and all those shapes; how this logic has made such a bold space look harmonious. 

So, drawing also educates.

And in order to develop my personal skills, it’s crucial to always learn and understand the industry I work in.

Another reason is that it boosts my own sketching skills and allows me to draw on a more intuitive level, to see how shadows from unusual shapes and objects fall.

Observation is ESSENTIAL for self-development. No need to re-invent the wheel. Just learn how to observe and adapt to the changing world. Besides, it’s enormously inspiring!

Why are those who criticize and analyze every single step other people do not focused on their own lives?

Action and curiosity instead of analysis paralysis.

From my own experience… overthinking is actually way more time-consuming than the actual DO THE THING.

Speaking about which… I just posted a complex project drawn by hand from A to Z, check it out here.

It’s your lucky day! :) I have THE PERFECT resources to start (OR level up) your drawing journey.

📖 If you want kickstart your creative journey with digital, but have no clue what it’s all about, this free starter guide is your PERFECT first step. Get your own copy at no cost here.

✍️ My drawing webinar is a great way to get your feet wet - you’ll be drawing a stylish collage with my LIVE step-by-step guidance. Get your personal invitation here.

📌 Want to start drawing with the ASDB Academy but don’t want to commit to our signature mentorship? Then… the starter mini course is FOR YOU! Get instant access here.

🌟 And finally, the icing on the cake - our signature mentorship program “Make 3D Renderings Work for You”. Apply here.

Wishing you a FABULOUS weekend, {{first_name}}, and in the meanwhile, I’m preparing for THE BIG TRIP. Tons of inspiring content and presents for you - stay tuned for next week!

Warm regards from Germany,

Out of the Box Creative Mindset: ASDB blog series

This blog is a treasure trove of insights, tips, and inspirations, inviting you to explore the transformative power of an out-of-the-box creative mindset. Discover how creativity shapes spaces, sparks innovation, and empowers your approach to digital drawing. Welcome to a space where creativity knows no limits!

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