THE Perfect moment to start
Jan 09, 2024
It’s Friday again! And it’s an amazing day to tell you about how important it is to just START no matter which stage of your journey you’re currently in!
Let me tell you something.
When I was only dreaming about starting a drawing Academy, I started filming the first masterclass with the resources I had available to me back then. I didn’t know anything about lighting, video editing, camera perspectives, let alone how I was supposed to fit all my knowledge into one masterclass and make it entertaining to watch and draw.
Of course, the lack of knowledge influenced the quality, and as a result, I didn’t publish that masterclass, just because of that.
But I made it my goal to learn everything about the art of filming, video storytelling and gear, to be able to communicate with future students and show them how irreplaceable this 3D drawing skill is.
This is the before / after of my filming growth:
You think that was my only filming flop? I can’t even count how many failed video attempts I’ve had (and still have, by the way). But I also know that professionalism comes with practice and NOT by accident.
I’m telling you this to show that you don’t have to wait for the perfect moment to start ✅
You don’t have to publish your work at the beginning if you don’t want to BUT… it’s crucial is to do the work on a consistent basis (published or unpublished). And one day you won’t even recognize how far you’ve come.
To be honest, I also didn’t have that clear “I finally did it”, and only yesterday, when I found that masterclass on my SD memory disc, it became clear how MUCH my filming abilities have developed since then.
Can you say where you’ve drastically grown in the last years? Is it something you were aware of, or did you see it as something normal? If the answer to the last question is yes, then you HAVE to pat yourself on the back RIGHT NOW! This is something to be super proud of.
And, on this positive note, I’m wishing you an absolutely incredible weekend, and see you LIVE very soon!
📌 By the way, which composition would you prefer to draw with me on our next free live drawing webinar?
1️⃣ Our iconic collage, this time in autumn colors:
2️⃣ This interior fragment BUT we will apply colors only, without drawing it from scratch (I’ll send you the PNG file with the contours):
And, this is where you can attend, by the way - simply click here.
Lots of love,
Out of the Box Creative Mindset: ASDB blog series
This blog is a treasure trove of insights, tips, and inspirations, inviting you to explore the transformative power of an out-of-the-box creative mindset. Discover how creativity shapes spaces, sparks innovation, and empowers your approach to digital drawing. Welcome to a space where creativity knows no limits!
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