Practical Portfolio Tips

May 17, 2024

It's a curious phenomenon: there are countless talented professionals out there, working on incredible projects, yet they seem to fly under the radar. On the other hand, some individuals gain massive recognition despite producing mediocre results. Ever wondered how that happens? Personally, I've seen it countless times, and sometimes, I struggle to get the logic behind the success of certain people who seem to lack both value and quality, yet are renowned experts in their field.


This is an age-old truth that has become more evident in the era of social media and online marketing. It's no longer just about your professionalism. It's about your ability to make yourself relevant, unique, and memorable. In other words, it's about becoming a brand.

While we've previously discussed a step-by-step roadmap for building your brand (if you missed it, you can catch up HERE), today, I'd like to offer you a practical guide for building your visual portfolio.

Consider this newsletter an exclusive masterclass from me and the ASDB Academy ;)

So, let's dive into the principles of creating a visually compelling portfolio - my ultimate Top-5 tips:

  1. Quit the Wikipedia-style approach - share the story behind your projects. Ensure the title and a concise technical description are visible, and then, add that story in a less visible font. Don’t write the entire biography, just highlight key facts and stories. This allows potential employers to see you as a person with values, rather than just another designer spamming portfolios.
  2. Don't let graphic design overshadow your work. Remember, less is more. Use graphic design to enhance your portfolio, not overshadow it.
  3. Balance between text and images based on the project type. No one wants to read lengthy paragraphs, no matter how fascinating they may be. Aim for no more than 2-3 short sentences per paragraph. Put yourself in the shoes of your potential client - would you want to read your own portfolio? Does the visual aspect outweigh the text?
  4. Include only those projects that align aesthetically with your ideal client's style, even if it means letting go of personal favorites. This establishes a connection between you and your dream client, showcasing your understanding of their style. It may seem like basic advice, but trust me, many applicants overlook this step. Take the time to study your dream client and tailor your portfolio accordingly.
  5. Delegate tasks that can be handled by others. And by this, I don't mean hiring a team


These 3 effective tools will automate your creation process and save tons of time and money:

Copywriting: ChatGPT

Graphic Design: Canva

Website: Showit

The last 2 operate on a drag-and-drop basis, so if you aren’t a technical genius as I am, you’re going to love these 2.

Creating an appealing portfolio will also be the focus of our upcoming LIVE coaching call with my students at the ASDB Academy, and you can still join us! During these sessions, we not only discuss drawing techniques but also hone our marketing skills because, in today's world, being an expert in drawing and designing isn't enough (unfortunately).

Sometimes, I wish I could spend all week at my desk, focused solely on designing, but in reality, success requires a diverse skill set! By the way, we added a new detailed video about digital design on the Academy page HERE. It will be shown right below the main banner.

Oh, and if you want to draw on your iPad but don't know where to begin, check out our drawing workshop with a step-by-step video tutorial included :)

Lots of love,
Anna at @andshedrawsbig

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