Own Your Success🗽

Sep 24, 2024

I now have a recipe for achieving even your wildest goals and upgrading your professional and personal life - sharing insights from the BEST event on marketing, content creation, and real estate that I just attended. It was split over two days: we started with a private VIP dinner with Ryan Serhant, followed by a full day of conferences, networking, and a party to wrap it all up (of course! :D )

This is me talking to Ryan in front of the entire audience, caught on camera. Constantly leaving our comfort zone definitely takes us to the next level, even if we’re freaking out on the inside! Yes, I was freaking out while having the courage to talk with all those cameras on, and later during the Netflix series reunion “Owning Manhattan,”:

Now, on to the insights!!

  • Quitting feels good and requires no energy. It’s like convincing yourself that you tried a bit but it didn’t work out, and then you feel relieved. Spoiler: this feeling is temporary.
  • You can predict your future by creating your blueprint.
  • Goals should scare you - you never change your goal but change the strategies to get there.
  • Technologies have a humanity problem, but they help us fulfill our potential (we talked A LOT about AI).
  • Take those people to dinner whose strategies you admire and ask them what’s working.
  • Get rid of complainers and toxic people. 


And there are multiple pages filled with more life-changing insights. You know what was the biggest eye-opener for me?

The chances of making a breakthrough alone are extremely low. The right mentors, an incredibly supportive community, a tailored blueprint prepared with the help of experts, and diverse life stories to help you build your own - all of this will skyrocket your success.

Do you know that feeling when you’re stagnating and not moving forward but have no idea how to change it? If yes, high five! I felt like this before the New York trip. Yes, I got my hard-earned citizenship, but in terms of work, the future was blurry. For success, it’s CRUCIAL to have a clear vision; otherwise, we end up floating around with no direction.
And then, in New York, all the answers were there. Crystal clear. I saw my future as if it were real. I now know exactly what to do, how to reach a new level, how to network, and where to start. I wouldn’t have reached this point alone.

You might be thinking that it’s not possible and I’m exaggerating, and that such a clear vision can’t come in just two days. Oh, believe me, it absolutely can. But NOT alone. Sorry, all solo fighters. Even when I think back on getting my citizenship - which I earned after working for it for 10 years - I see that it wouldn’t have been possible alone. I had people who supported me and believed in me when I didn’t. But I only found those people when I was actively searching for help.

➡️ Remember, life-changing moments won’t knock on your door when you sit at home and wait for the perfect moment to start. It will NEVER happen.

It’s absolutely okay to ask for help. But it’s not okay to blame circumstances for not working in your favor when you’re doing NOTHING to change them.

And finally, the last but not least insight👇

A good coach can win the game. A great coach will change lives and help you make your possibilities limitless.

Find all my reflections, photos, and insights on my Instagram HERE. The highlight is called “New York.” You’ll feel the BIG energy there, guaranteed.

P.S. Spot Anna at that VIP dinner below (hint: I’m at the right table).

Cheers to greatness and success!
Anna at @andshedrawsbig

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