iPad Design Hacks You’ll Love!

Dec 17, 2024

I just finished drawing a truly special project for one of my clients, with whom I’ve been working for over three years! It inspired me to write this newsletter on how Procreate is an irreplaceable tool for every designer, and how it can literally help you manifest your dream life (of course, I’ll show you the proof in this newsletter).

Let’s dive into my absolute favorite techniques for every type of design project (and yes, not only design but also marketing and social media - surprise!) ↓

1️⃣ Collage in All Its Glory

This is where we combine the easy drag-and-drop features with our hand-drawn skills as artists - and voilà, a truly impressive presentation is done!

Nowadays, it’s not just about being a skilled professional - it’s also about offering something unique in addition to our standard services. You need to know how to make a potential client want to choose YOU, not another designer who might be cheaper. No way! With our truly special vision, we can make a client fall in love with our style and personality.

→ Let drawing be part of the personal brand every designer needs to build. As for this concept, it took less than an hour to design and draw. A bird's-eye view, created solely from that collage, is below:

By the way, this collage is part of the free, detailed tutorials available during my upcoming drawing workshop HERE. Create the exact same interior concept yourself with my clear, step-by-step guidance and fall in love with this innovative, hand-drawn approach. Once again, register HERE to get access to it.

2️⃣ It's Never Too Much Texture Boards 😀
Every time it’s a new mood, space, and story!

This is a future hand-drawn collage that I’ll also be drawing with you in the workshop 😍 Secure your free spot HERE!


3️⃣ Designing Based on a Photo

Look at what I recently designed with my students during our Big Success Challenge at the Academy. A complete design project on the go, all on your iPad - that’s it!

4️⃣ Paper Drawing Technique

Okay, okay, sometimes I do miss that paper feeling when drawing on the iPad since I’m coming from the paper world (as some of you probably are). That’s why I developed this drawing technique! The steps are exactly the same as on paper: contours, black underlines, marker strokes - and voilà, it looks like a paper drawing!

Now, imagine printing these drawings out! I do print my sketches, by the way, and oh boy, do they look incredibly unique and can definitely compete with their paper counterparts. BUT, what I don’t miss is the mess after erasing something I don’t like. In digital, we have the magical UNDO button! :D


5️⃣ Detailed Drawings

Here, I have to share this inspiring story of Viktoria, one of my ASDB students. Can you imagine that, before the Academy, she was convinced she couldn’t draw? She “didn’t have talent.” And now, look at her sketches! 😍

This is one of the first modules inside my Academy and one of the first complex drawings, and she’s already reached this level! We really should expect greatness from her - literally!

Since we’re diving into detailed drawings, let me show you a few more projects created using different techniques - from scratch, using the distort feature for measurements, and bringing computer models to life with your new drawing skills.

I think I know what you might be thinking right now… Talent. In other words, the myth that you need it to create illustrations like these. I expected this reaction, which is why I’m armed with proof to shatter that belief!

On this page, you’ll find drawings from my students at the Drawing ASDB Academy and see how they transformed their skills with a clear roadmap. So no, you don’t need so-called talent - but you do need support and a roadmap from someone who’s been there, learned through experience (and mistakes), and developed a system to shorten the learning curve for you.

This saves you time, money, and the frustration of trying to figure it all out on your own. Our resources and energy are incredibly limited, and it’s better to invest them in our ideas and creativity - our true areas of genius - rather than wasting time guessing and searching. Trust me on this.

Once again, you can find a boost of inspiration and everything we create together HERE.

Ah, and a small chapter of how I manifested my current apartment in Munich two years in advance, without knowing the location when I created that drawing! I remember thinking, "What a BEAUTIFUL living room with a truly unique layout. I wonder who lives there?" Well... me! :D Imagine sketching your dream home and then seeing it turn into reality!

Happy creating and I’ll see you in the Academy! :)
Anna at @andshedrawsbig

Out of the Box Creative Mindset: ASDB blog series

This blog is a treasure trove of insights, tips, and inspirations, inviting you to explore the transformative power of an out-of-the-box creative mindset. Discover how creativity shapes spaces, sparks innovation, and empowers your approach to digital drawing. Welcome to a space where creativity knows no limits!

Start exploring:

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