Got the stagnation blues?

Jan 09, 2024

How has your week been? I just got back to Germany and can’t believe that the most memorable and life-changing trip to New York is over! Instead of delving into sadness, I’ve decided to incorporate everything I’ve learned into my work!

New York is a city full of creativity, success and energy unlike any other. You can accidentally run into incredible people on the streets of NY, and these encounters can turn your life upside down.

👉 This is exactly what happened to me. Earlier this week, I met THE real estate broker at his No.1 real estate brokerage in the world. Well, I didn’t run into him, but that encounter changed my life in a second, I can already feel it. 

This newsletter is dedicated how YOU can level up your life and reach even higher goals (even if they seem unrealistic at the moment). Let’s goooo!

1️⃣ Comfort zone = dead zone for development. Once you’ve overcome the most uncomfortable phase of leaving that comfort zone, you’ll be happy you did it. This is where your real growth will start to happen.

2️⃣ Study a lot. DON’T GUESS. Learn from the best in your field. Time is your biggest asset, and you don’t want to waste it by searching for the possibly right strategy.

3️⃣ Taking risks is crucial.

4️⃣ DON’T WAIT. No one is waiting for you in business. Your task is to make them want your services.

5️⃣ Have a CLEAR vision. My big vision has lead me to that life-changing trip in NY, and this is just the beginning.

After revealing drawing in a completely new scene, of course, I want to share all the insights with you. And that only means one thing - the ABSOLUTELY new and UPDATED drawing webinar will be back in September!
Along with that, I’ve already started writing a new digital e-book which will be available shortly ✨

Let the inspiring fall season begin 🍂

Out of the Box Creative Mindset: ASDB blog series

This blog is a treasure trove of insights, tips, and inspirations, inviting you to explore the transformative power of an out-of-the-box creative mindset. Discover how creativity shapes spaces, sparks innovation, and empowers your approach to digital drawing. Welcome to a space where creativity knows no limits!

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