From Dreaming to Doing: Your 2025 Blueprint
Dec 28, 2024
Top 7 key, life-changing takeaways from this year that I’m taking into 2025. After that, I’ll talk about all the challenges, possibilities, ideas, and resources that 2024 has brought. And oh boy, what a year it’s been - the year of transformation and changes that weren’t easy, but were crucial for moving closer toward my big vision, which I also clarified this year, along with priceless lessons and mistakes.
But first, let’s dive into the main takeaways ↓
1️⃣ Finish what you started and what you said you were going to do. Keep your word and stay accountable FOR YOURSELF.
2️⃣ Don’t be afraid to share that you’re trying to learn a new skill, develop a new habit, and be a beginner again. Be authentic and share your journey. Most people go through the same challenges, but too few talk about what it’s actually like out there.
3️⃣ Career growth and recognition isn’t about talent. Take a person with talent who’s lazy and thinks that talent will do the work, and compare them to someone without talent, but who is consistent, shows up, and does the work. Guess who wins.
4️⃣ A balanced, repetitive routine is the foundation for success - in every sphere.
5️⃣ We adapt new habits (good or bad) quickly. The fact that you’ve been delaying something for years or decades doesn’t mean success in this new field will take as long. Which brings me to the next…
6️⃣ We spend too much time in our heads and overcomplicate things that weren’t issues to begin with - things we created in our minds.
7️⃣ Don’t let any sudden situations pull you away from your big vision. If something doesn’t work, change the road to get there, NOT the goal.
Are there any takeaways from this year that have given you clarity or changed the direction of your life? Let’s share them - connecting and talking through them is such a helpful and encouraging practice instead of keeping everything inside.Now, let me give you a glimpse of what’s behind the scenes of my 2024 - its lessons and decisions that will accompany me throughout my life. As we go through them, I’d like to ask you to write down your accomplishments, insights, ideas, and events that have shaped you as a person.
Well, first, I reached my 10-year goal: I got my citizenship, thanks to drawing, design, and entrepreneurship - things I boldly pursued after my interior design job offer was called off 5 years ago.
This is how I learned that stability comes from within, as we can’t control what’s happening out there. I also learned that if we don’t heed the subtle hints from the universe to follow our true selves, life will hit us like a Mack truck, forcing us to finally change something. Otherwise, we won’t get the signals.
This is how I started January 2024. I visited a design exhibition in Cologne, exactly 4 years ago (now 5 years), where I had my first interview in a series with an interior design studio that works with celebrities and renewed brands - a truly dream job for me as a recent graduate.
It was a reminder that no matter how critical the current situation is, it’s 1000% a redirection to do something more fulfilling and right for you. So, believe me, if you’re going through a dark period in your life, it’s a blessing - even if it doesn’t seem like it right now. This is when your mind finds your hidden potential and finally unpacks it for the world.
Also, in January, I attended the Maison&Objet exhibition in Paris and met the team behind THE Jonathan Adler, followed by a visit to their store in New York in February! We connected through my content creation and drawing - creativity and big ideas truly connect!
In February 2024, I went to New York without a plan, simply because I felt I needed to be there (please tell me I’m not alone in this). I attended a book signing session with my now mentor, Ryan Serhant, and my gut didn’t disappoint. He wrote the most brilliant book on personal branding and social media. That trip was also an eye-opener on how crucial knowing the right people really is.
Example: I attended the opening of a high-end gallery there. When I first entered, I didn’t know anyone and, to be honest, I was literally invisible. Then, another guest, a former famous race car driver, approached me and introduced me to many influential people. We hit it off instantly, and within a blink of an eye, the gallery representatives who had previously ignored me became friendly, asking about my work.
Your network is your net worth - remember that. This is how I experienced that firsthand this year. Quite a radical example, but a really eye-opening one.
In March, I started my abstract art journey and allowed my soul to create without any expectations or analysis paralysis. I also started diving more into art history, and my soul felt fulfilled. In my interior drawings you’ve probably seen me adding chaotic marker or pencil strokes, or color reflections. I do this to turn every piece of work into art, because realistic photo drawing style isn’t art for me.
So, March marked the expansion of my work and the rediscovery of my passion for drawing as art - because art never ends, and there’s always so much to discover.
This is when the first inner conflict happened and caused a brutal disconnect inside me. On one hand, I saw myself as an established interior illustrator, but on the other hand, I was letting my inner artist - who I had kept closed for years - create. This conflict drained me mentally, causing procrastination, until I figured out how to connect both sides so they could coexist.
Here’s my tip for you: Don’t try to pick one and replace the other. That tandem is what will make you YOU - truly unique and recognizable. Never say NO to yourself, as the consequences can be insufferable.
And also... remember Andy Warhol or David Hockney. Were they the same recognizable figures if they stuck to just one medium or style? I don’t think so. They were bold. Experimental. And they lived their most fulfilled life without letting others’ opinions or limitations stop them.
In June, we had our first ASDB meetup in Paris with my students from my Design and Drawing Academy. I’m telling you, no words can express how fulfilling and motivating it is to connect with a like-minded community who shares the same interests, pursues similar goals, has a creative vision, and faces similar challenges.
We connected through my Drawing Academy, THE ASDB Academy (which, by the way, closes in 4 days, so make sure to get instant and lifetime access to your drawing roadmap HERE). We stayed in touch online until we met in real life.
Speaking of networking, let me mention our second ASDB meetup of the year in London. Every time, our vibe just... clicks. Incredible. One part of my big vision is to host a GRAND meetup - an event where all of us creatives can connect, create, design, and inspire. Would you be in?
Imagine meeting exactly the kind of person who’s on the same page with you in all aspects - career, ideas, creativity, passion. This is what our ASDb Academy is about, and yes, all the members there are truly special. Yes, YOU are special since this newsletter goes to my students too - thank you once again for all your trust and enthusiasm.
Summer 2024 will forever remain as THE year I achieved my biggest goal after working toward it for 10 long years - getting approved for my German citizenship. No long texts here, as I filmed an entire video for my YouTube and wrote a separate newsletter on my story, which you can watch and read here and here.
In short: If you want to give up - don’t. You’ll be giving up on your future success, which is coming 1000% as long as you keep trying.
This summer, I also started experimenting more with my iPad style, channeling David Hockney, my favorite artist of all time, who used different styles and mediums without limiting himself. And this is also how the dream design Porsche challenge was born. Even Porsche themselves commented on my sketches on TikTok and offered to share my video (they have tricky terms and conditions, but that’s another story).
Finally, in September, I attended a VIP event in New York with my mentor and his team - Ryan Serhant and SellIT. This is when the power of the right dream mentors and community became SO REAL. That was THE level to strive for - oh my god. As they say, if you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room. YES. Read the full insights HERE.
I just want to show that alone, we won’t get far. Yes, we might find some random basics somewhere on YouTube, but nothing beats a clear roadmap from professionals who have been there, done that, and who are now sharing their blueprint and access to their success. This is where I learned that we can predict our future.
October and November were the months when I clarified my big vision and started taking small but consistent steps toward it - personally, in my content, and in my art. This is when I went to London for the first time and fell in love with it! And this is where our second ASDB meetup took place, but I’ve already told you about that.
And December... will forever stay in my heart. I took my parents to Paris for Christmas and to celebrate my mom’s birthday. My parents sacrificed A LOT for my big dream. They always believed in me and were the only ones who knew my dream would work when everyone else thought I was “wasting my life.”
Being able to give back to them is SO motivating and adds another layer to setting goals that go beyond classic career success. So, never give up on your big vision - it not only inspires you but also your loved ones, whose belief in you is even stronger than your own. That’s powerful.
My new big vision, after reaching my goal this summer, consists of 3 pillars: mentoring/public speaking + global art + Anna as a bold brand and voice in the art and design industries. Based on these 3 pillars, I’ve already started restructuring my content to add more authenticity and storytelling.
Yes, I’m sharing all this with you because I believe in documenting our journeys and inspiring others, and then looking back and thinking, “Thank God I didn’t give up.” Have you set up YOUR big vision?
This is what makes you YOU - truly unique and distinct. No one is you, and this is your power. Believe in your ability to change the world with your vision. Leave your mark on the world because... you ABSOLUTELY CAN.
We all make mistakes, and you know what? No matter how challenging they are, we need them. When everything is good, we take things for granted. Literally, a couple of days ago, Alex Hormozi posted: “The fastest way to become the person you want to be is to put yourself in a situation where you have no choice but to become them.” So, we’re moving in the right direction. TOGETHER.Now, if you want to be part of my big vision, connect through creativity, design, and art. Draw your ideas in the most unique way, level up your design presentations, and keep in mind that my signature course on all of this closes in 4 days.
Next year, a new version of the course will come out, and you’ll get free automatic access when signing up in the next 4 days AND keep lifetime access to the current course with 100+ detailed step-by-step video tutorials. This special holiday offer is available for the next 4 days only HERE, and after that, it will be gone.
If you think you don’t have talent (though I hope we’ve shattered this myth together) or haven’t worked on your iPad yet, let me show you that you don’t need any of that. You’ll be provided with the easiest, most joyful, and aesthetically pleasing drawing guidance you’ll ever find.
These are the kinds of results my students achieve with my guidance (and yes, you’ll be able to draw like this too!).
>> Start your own drawing journey with me at the ASDB Academy HERE!
let’s make 2025 thrive (proudly quoting my mentor, Ryan Serhant). Happy creating and succeeding!
Out of the Box Creative Mindset: ASDB blog series
This blog is a treasure trove of insights, tips, and inspirations, inviting you to explore the transformative power of an out-of-the-box creative mindset. Discover how creativity shapes spaces, sparks innovation, and empowers your approach to digital drawing. Welcome to a space where creativity knows no limits!
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