Drawing isn’t just a skill in itself

Jan 09, 2024

Drawing isn’t just a skill in itself. It’s connected to mindset, confidence, surroundings, not to mention the project and composition type of your project. The combination of all this makes you a successful Creative, with a capital C. In the previous newsletter series we were talking about the perfect moment to start, stagnation, what to do if you don’t feel creative and inspired, where to search for ideas, and lots more. 

Based on your interest and feedback, we’ve decided to structure this brand new series of our newsletter in such a way that it merges all aspects of a successful creative, such as mindset & motivation, drawing hacks, style and inspiration.

👉 Not only will you get the tools and a great start for your new journey with us, but also be provided with some practical hacks for Procreate and digital drawing in general. Hope you’re as excited as I am!

Instead of waiting till next Friday, why don’t we just start now? 

Let me share my Top-5 insights that helped me change the direction of my life and win back my joy and passion for interior design and drawing:

1️⃣ There’s only now. No past, no future. Just now. There’s absolutely no sense to try to control something that you can’t.

2️⃣ Your happiness is your choice and it’s not the responsibility of other people.

3️⃣ Take care of the work and the work will take care of you (my favorite quote by Ryan Serhant). It’s NOT about being the most talented or clever person in the room.

4️⃣ Initiative is everything.

5️⃣ If you don’t like something, change it!

Let me know whether you can relate to any of these, or maybe you’ve already been integrating some of these aspects into your life?


Let’s move on to the practical hacks of digital drawing. Today, I’d like to show you how to daw with straight lines in Procreate in just one click. If you have been working with Procreate for a while, there’ll be plenty of PRO drawings hacks in future newsletters :)

✅ Simply navigate to the drawing guide, open up its settings, adjust the grid or set up vanishing points, activate drawing assist at the bottom and voila! You’re drawing straight lines just like in my video. No magic, just the super handy features that digital drawing has to offer. 

Finally, I’d love to share this gorgeous interior design of the recently opened Rosewood Hotel in Munich. I haven’t been there yet but am planning to sketch their interior soon. Just look at these colors and the variety of textures!

P.S. I couldn’t help but share some of the recent sketches created by our ASDB students from our signature course Make 3D Renderings Work for You. Our closed community is SO incredible and creative, each and everyone is an Artist with a capital A ⭐️

The best part is that they are using their new hand drawn skills for both professional and personal projects. 

>> Check out how to get started for free!

Hope you enjoyed this newsletter and I’m SO looking forward to writing more inspiring content for you!

Lots of love,

Out of the Box Creative Mindset: ASDB blog series

This blog is a treasure trove of insights, tips, and inspirations, inviting you to explore the transformative power of an out-of-the-box creative mindset. Discover how creativity shapes spaces, sparks innovation, and empowers your approach to digital drawing. Welcome to a space where creativity knows no limits!

Start exploring:

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