Break Free from Mediocrity

Jun 27, 2024

Get ready for a boost of energy and enthusiasm as I’m about to get brutally honest with you about fears, insecurities, and the fear of being judged by others for our great, but slightly crazy, ideas.

You know what my biggest regret is? I can’t stop thinking about it and there’s no way to bring the past back. ALWAYS WAITING FOR THE PERFECT MOMENT, OCCASION, RESULT TO COME. Thinking that posting on social media was too late - it was in 2015!! Thinking my language doesn’t sound native, even though I knew how much I could share with you and even inspire someone to live their lives to the fullest too with my story. Thinking that I’m not there yet professionally to work with big brands.

Enough of this BS! I am ready. I am a professional. I am worthy of success.

This should be your mantra too. Do you know how many opportunities we miss because of those thoughts? They always bring limits to our lives. I’m not saying life is all flowers and sunshine, but there’s a difference between healthy skepticism and destructive self-doubt, something that destroys our inner freedom.

This isn’t going to happen fast, and suddenly we all are free from prejudices and live our happy life. But, force ourselves take small steps every single day towards the life we truly want, free from all that crap mentioned above.

I’m done with my inner crap and want to see what else I am capable of when not destroying my potential with my thoughts.

This is why I decided to do something completely crazy (or maybe not crazy, this is just the way I see it at the moment) and do a 14-day challenge on my socials which I call The Porsche Design Dream Challenge. If you're wondering what the heck Porsche has to do with creativity, drawing and design, well, let me show you the connection.

The Porsche brand encourages you to dream big, pursue your passion, and believe in your extraordinary vision and abilities. Isn't that what we all want? Besides that, Porsche’s design is simply timeless, always innovative showing technical excellence in all aspects - qualities we strive for in our work too.

Now, on to the question, why have I decided to do this and how is this going to help me professionally?

Well, the ambitious goal of this challenge is to get a collaboration with Porsche, train my brain for new ideas, and stay consistent now that the challenge has been announced publicly. I must confess I’m very uncomfortable and a bit anxious, but great things require stepping outside the comfort zone.

Since today marks day 1, here’s the video of me explaining my motivation behind this challenge. I show the connection between my childhood dreams which were trapped in my parents saying that it’s not serious to study interior design. Yes, they support me in my work, but back then, as a 15-year old, they thought they knew the world better, and I don’t blame them.

✍️ Following up on this challenge, there’s another challenge in full swing, this time, among my students at the ASDB Academy. The most diligent student will get a luxurious leather case from England this summer - this is a leather iPad case I have too and which I carry out with me every single day. Become a member of our exclusive 3D drawing Academy too and participate in this challenge, as I strive in mine.

And… let's normalize wanting extraordinary things and dreaming BIG without fear of judgment!


Out of the Box Creative Mindset: ASDB blog series

This blog is a treasure trove of insights, tips, and inspirations, inviting you to explore the transformative power of an out-of-the-box creative mindset. Discover how creativity shapes spaces, sparks innovation, and empowers your approach to digital drawing. Welcome to a space where creativity knows no limits!

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